Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyInstitute of Biotechnology is located at the BIOCEV center - a newly established biomedical research facility in Prague,Czech Republic,providing a creative international research environment and high-end technology platforms <.>
The tasks associated with this position involve:
technical assistance with research projects involving in vivo mouse work and subsequently using tissue samples for various biochemical molecular and cell biological techniques (western blotting,PCR,enzymatic assays,etc.)
tissue processing for histological imaging
The research group – Laboratory of Molecular Therapy: See: https://www.ibt.cas.cz/en/research/laboratory-of-molecular-therapy/
Our requirements:
MSc or PhD degree in biology,biochemistry and related fields,with knowledge and some experience in experimental approaches related to biochemistry and molecular/cell biology.Prior in vivo mouse work experience is highly desirable
Good knowledge of spoken/written English and MS Office (MS Word,Excel,PowerPoint)
Responsible and reliable candidate with good communication and organizational skills,with a keen eagerness to enhance his/her knowledge and skills in XXX XXXXX of molecular and cell biology
Our offer:
Opportunity for professional growth in a fully funded,highly motivating research environment
Competitive salary including personal allowances depending on qualification and experience; food allowance
Friendly laboratory working atmosphere within the BIOCEV campus
Please send your structured CV,cover letter and at least one recommendation (from supervisor or previous employer) in an electronic form to hr@ibt.cas.cz <.>
Position is open from 1st June 2023 <.>
For additional information about the announced position please contact:
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31.05.2023
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