Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyPostdoctoral Fellowship in Egyptology Focus: Greco-Egyptian Perfumery,Medicine and Science
Alchemies of Scent – Reconstructing the Practices of Ancient Greco-Egyptian Perfumery: An Experimental Approach to XXX History of Science ( Alchemies of Scent ) is a new,5-year interdisciplinary research project that seeks to deepen our understanding of our olfactory heritage and of XXX connections between art and science in XXX ancient world.The project is funded by the Junior Star initiative of XXX XXXXX Science Foundation and is hosted by the Institute of Philosophy,in partnership XXXX XXX Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,at XXX XXXXX Academy of Sciences in Prague.XXXX XXX next five years,the project’s team of historians,Egyptologists,philologists and organic chemists will experimentally reproduce the recipes of five ancient Greco-Egyptian perfumes.Through these experiments,we will explore XXX XXX XXXXX to extract,concentrate,compound and preserve the essences of plants influenced natural philosophy,medicine,art and culture in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece XXXX XXX fourth through first centuries BCE <.>
As part of this new initiative,we are offering a Postdoctoral Fellowship beginning October 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.Scholars who will submit their PhD no later than 1 October 2021 are eligible to apply <.>
The successful candidate will be part of a novel interdisciplinary team working together to produce a historical and lexical survey of XXX ingredients and methods of XXX XXX and science of perfume production in Greco-Roman Egypt,and to replicate,test and analyze the techniques of ancient perfumery in a controlled laboratory setting.The candidate will focus on perfumery in Egyptian sources (hieroglyphs,Hieratic,Demotic),in particular on documentary,medical and magical papyri of XXX relevant period(s) <.>
The position offers an opportunity to be part of ground-breaking research applying philosop...




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