Obec Černovice - Doporučení Ministerstva zdravotnictví ČR k používání některých ochranných prostředků

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<br> Rational use of personal protective equipment
for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Interim guidance
27 February 2020
<br> Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),caused by the
COVID-19 virus,was first detected in Wuhan,China,in
December 2019.On 30 January 2020,the
WHO Director-General declared that the current outbreak
constituted a public health emergency of international
concern <.>
<br> This document summarizes WHO’s recommendations for the
rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in
healthcare and community settings,as well as XXXXXX XXX
handling of cargo; in this context,PPE includes gloves <,>
medical masks,goggles or a face shield,and gowns,as well
as for specific procedures,respirators (i.e <.>,N95 or
FFP2 standard or equivalent) and aprons.This document is
intended for those who are involved in distributing and
managing PPE,as well as public health authorities and
individuals in healthcare and community settings,and it aims
to provide information about when PPE use is most
appropriate <.>
<br> WHO will continue to update these recommendations as new
information becomes available <.>
<br> Preventive measures for COVID-19 disease
Based on the available evidence,the COVID-19 virus is
transmitted between people through close contact and
droplets,not by airborne transmission.The people most at
risk of infection are those who XXX in close contact with a
COVID-XX patient or who care for COVID-19 patients <.>
<br> Preventive and mitigation measures XXX XXX in both healthcare
and community settings.XXX XXXX effective preventive
measures in XXX community include:
 performing hand hygiene frequently XXXX an
<br> alcohol-based hand rub if your XXXXX XXX not visibly
dirty or XXXX soap and water if XXXXX XXX dirty;
<br>  avoiding touching your eyes,nose and mouth;
 practicing respiratory hygiene by coughing or
<br> sneezing into a XXXX elbow or tissue and then
immediately disposing of XXX tissue;
<br>  wearing a ...
Advice on the use of masks in XXX community,during home care and in healthcare settings in XXX context of XXX novel coronavirus (COVID-XX) outbreakXX March XXXX  | Publication
WHO Team Health Emergencies Preparedness and Response Reference numbers WHO Reference Number: WHO/2019-nCoV/IPC_Masks/2020.2 Copyright CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 XXX




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