Obec Kryštofovy Hamry - EP2019-informace_-_EN

Tento dokument byl načten z úřední desky, kterou vede Obec Kryštofovy Hamry.

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Elections to XXX European Parliament within the territory of XXX XXXXX Republic - voting for
<br> European Parliament members who will represent XXX XXXXX Republic
Friday,XX May XXXX between X PM and 10 PM
<br> Saturday,25 May 2019 between 8 AM and 2 PM
A voter XXX be
 a citizen of XXX XXXXX Republic who XXX or XXXX have reached the age of XX no later than on 25 May
<br> 2019 <,>
 a citizen of another EU member state who will have reached the age of 18 no later than on 25 May
<br> 2019 and who XXX or XXXX have registered his/her permanent or temporary residence in XXX XXXXX
Republic no later than on XX April XXXX <.>
<br> A voter can vote only if he/she is registered in XXX electoral roll for the European Parliament (EP)
elections and
 whose freedom is not limited due to need to protect their health
 whose legal capacity to exercise his/her right to vote has not been restricted <.>
<br> The elections will take place only in polling stations within the territory of XXX XXXXX Republic <.>
<br> Application by a citizen of another EU member state to be registered in XXX electoral roll for the
EP elections
<br>  All voters who voted in XXX XXXXX Republic in XXX XXXX EP elections are automatically
registered in XXX electoral roll for these EP elections.Voters should verify this information with their
respective municipal authority <.>
<br>  A voter who did not vote in XXX XXXXX Republic in XXX XXXX EP elections,but who has voted
in municipal elections must apply for his/her information to be transferred into the EP elections
electoral roll by 14 April 2019 <.>
<br>  A voter who has not voted in XXX elections in XXX XXXXX Republic must apply with his/her
respective municipal authority to be registered in XXX EP elections electoral roll by XX April XXXX <.>
<br> For more information and application forms,please XXX XXX Ministry of XXX Interior’s website at
www.mvcr.cz or contact a municip...




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