Obec Pelechy - Vyžádejte si ZDARMA vyjádření o existenci nadzemních či podzemních sítí

Tento dokument byl načten z úřední desky, kterou vede Obec Pelechy.

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Statement concerning the existence of communications network lines - Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s.Information about location of electronic communications network
There are two ways how to apply for the Statement:
Complete your application and indicate the relevant area on the map;
Help me complete the application;
Specify XXX XXX Statement is to be sent to you – e-mail,regular mail;
XXX XXX request assistance to complete your Application at XXX XXX XXX.In case XXX XXX not sure how to complete the electronic Application,call 238 461 111,trained operators will help you complete and submit the application <.>
2) Send a printed copy of XXX Application  to the Network Documentation Department,indicate the area XXX XXX interested in on the map:
Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s <.>
See how to indicate the relevant area on the cadastral map here <.>
In XXXX XXX Statement is not requested through the electronic Application (see point 1 above),the company will send the Statement to XXX applicant by regular mail,CZK XXX fee will apply <.>
The applicant must identify in XXX Application,i.e.mark on XXX XXX,the relevant area that they are asking the Statement for.The applicant may enclose any electronic attachment (e.g.photos of XXX area,relevant construction documents of XXX planned building etc.).The attachment,however,is attached for information only and is not decisive for issuing the Application.Relevant information required for the Statement to be issued is the information requested in XXX Application form; in particular it is the specification of XXX “relevant area” by the applicant (bookmark X “Zájmové území”) <.>
Applicants who submit their Application online will receive their Statement free of charge XXXX XXX XXXXX portal.Hard copy Statements will be mailed and delivered by Česká pošta,s.p.together XXXX an invoice,cash on delivery <.>
Once a Statement delivered by electronic mail is printed out,it XXX XXX same legal status as XXX XXXX copy Statement printed out by Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s.and mailed to XXX Applicant <.>
Digitalized plan of XXX communication network location (without planimetry) is provided only if you request this option in XXX Application,and the Statement is delivered electronically.XXX XXXX is processed as DGN V X in Microstation <.>
Use XXX XXXX of reasons to request the Statement to specify the reason for the Application,XXX XXXX contains more detailed descriptions of individual reasons <.>
Enclosed to XXX Statement are also “General Conditions to Protect Electronic Communications Network Lines of Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s.” XXX XXX XXXXXXX Conditions here <.>
XXX XXXX frequently asked questions relating to XXX Statements Concerning Existence of Communications Network XXXXX XXX be found here FAQ <.>
For detailed information about the Statement contact the help line 238 461 111
XXX XXX contact us with your comments or suggestions here <.>
Statement pricelist,valid as of 1st December 2015
Issuing and delivering of an electronic Statement to XXX applicant by means of XXX XXXXXX of Česká telekomunikační infrastruktura a.s <.>
Price (CZK)
Data from Network documentation
Issuing and delivering of an electronic Statement to XXX applicant by means of XXXXX XXXX – commercial parcel
Price (CZK)
Data from Network documentation
Providing of information concerning the age of XXX electronic communications network lines for the VAT purposes in accordance XXXX XXX VAT Act no.XXX/XXXX,Coll <.>
If you need to know when the electronic communication network line was set up for the VAT purposes,you will first need to request information about existence of networks on XXX XXXX that is being sold <.>
To request this information,complete the online Application here.  The reason for application in this case is “Pre-project preparations,real estate sale/purchase” <.>
If you find out about existence of an electronic communications network line on your land after the Statement concerning the existence of electronic communications network lines is issued,request information about the age of XXX network here.State Network age for VAT purposes (Určení DPH - stáří sítě).in XXX subject of XXX message.The following information must be included in XXX request:
District (okres)
Cadastral area
Lot number
Ref.no.of XXX Statement concerning the existence of electronic communications network line




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