Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyPostdoctoral Fellowships at the Astronomical Institute of XXX XXXXX Academy of Sciences for XXXX
The Astronomical Institute (ASU,https://asu.cas.cz/en) is the leading astronomical research institute in XXX XXXXX Republic,located at the Ondrejov Observatory and in Prague.Its main activities XXX in XXX formation,evolution,dynamics and physical properties of galaxies,stars and star systems,research on the physics of compact objects including black holes and gravitational waves,research on XXX XXX,solar activity and its effects on processes on Earth and in interplanetary space,research on the Earth's immediate environment,the dynamics of natural and artificial bodies in XXX XXXXX System,and research on interplanetary matter and its interaction XXXX XXX Earth's atmosphere <.>
For XXXX,ASU will consider research project proposals for postdoctoral fellowships in XXX XXXXXX of research conducted at the Institute <.>
Applicants are required to get in touch with our staff members to discuss their support of XXX application and to discuss a research project and implementation plan  (theory,observation,and data analysis are all welcome).A list of supervisors for hosting postdoctoral fellows in 2025 is provided below <.>
Application Deadline: March 7,2025,12 PM (noon; in CEST/UTC+2 timezone) Submission: by email to sekretariat@asu.cas.cz XXXX XXX subject POSTDOC XXXX Required application parts (all in PDF):
- cover sheet listing: full name,birth date,nationality,current position,the exact date of PhD defence,name of XXX host/supervisor at ASU,short motivation (½ page max)
- curriculum vitae
- list of publications
- summary of XXX XXXX significant research results achieved to date and proposed research project (2 pages XXX in total)
- outline of XXX implementation plan for X years (XXXX characters max)
- recommendation letters (to be delivered separately)
Applicants must arrange for a minimum of two recommendation letters to be sen...




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Další dokumenty od Akademie věd České republiky
10. 03. 2025
10. 03. 2025
10. 03. 2025
10. 03. 2025
07. 03. 2025
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