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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republiky02.05.2024 Fyzikální ústav AV ČR,v. v. i.vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č.283/1992 Sb.o Akademii věd České republiky,ve znění zákona č.420/2005 Sb.a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici PhD position in 2D sandwiches,artificial layered building blocks for multifunctional materials <.>
We are currently looking for an enthusiastic and motivated Ph.D. students to join  ERC-STG  funded research team led by  XXX XXXXXXXX,established to investigate XD sandwiches <.>
What you XXXX do
This ERC-STG funded PhD position will focus on the growth of a new two-dimensional building block: the 2D sandwich.This is a layered heterostructure,consisting of a mix of layered van der Waals,layered ionic and layered metavalent materials.In XXX XD sandwich,a interaction between the sandwich's individual layers is mediated via an ionic or multivalent bond,whereas the interaction with other 2D layers is still solely due to XXX XXX der Waals interactions <.>
You will grow XD magnetoelectric multiferroic sandwiches composed of layered transition metal chalcogenides,oxides or iodides using the modulated elemental reactants XXXXXX in a ultra-high vacuum molecular beam epitaxial system.Using a combination of X-ray diffraction,electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy,the applicant will explore their structure and properties and tries to answer fundamental questions if and how materials with a van der Waals XXXX XXX be combined with layered ionic and layered metavalent materials <.>
What do we expect
Master degree in physics,chemistry,material sciences or a related field
Initiative,creativity and ability to solve problems independently and eager to explore the unknown
Advanced spoken and written English
Well-developed social skills in order to be able to work in a team environment and contribute to a pleasant atmosphere
interest in crystal growth,either bulk crystals,or epitaxial films grown using molecular-beam epitaxy,pulsed laser deposition,ch...




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Další dokumenty od Akademie věd České republiky
25. 10. 2024
23. 10. 2024
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