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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyThe Global Change Research Institute and the University of Bayreuth (Germany) XXX XXX ambitious goal of temporally and spatially extending an existing long-term fungal European distribution dataset to address pressing global and climate change-relevant research questions.For this purpose,we seek a postdoctoral specialist with experience in data management and ecological data analysis,ideally from a fungal ecology background.The candidate should further have good English communication skills.This position is part of XXX CLIMFUN X.X project,which,in addition to extending and analyzing fungal big data,aims to project fungal diversity under future scenarios to maximize the potential for biodiversity conservation and climate change-mediated threat mitigation.In XXX same time it is funded via AdAgriF OPJAK project focused at mitigation of climate change via improved carbon sequestration in agricutlure and forestry systems.The position will be embedded within an interdisciplinary research team that is conducting experimental,observational,and modeling studies focussing on fungal ecology at individual,through community and ecosystems to regional scale <.>
XXX XXXX XXXX tasks XXX be summarised as follows:
Communicate with national mycological societies to establish and maintain contact throughout the project
Accompany and manage data transfer contracts and the flow of data XXXX XXX mycological societies to XXX XXXX team
Combine retrieved datasets,curate,clean,and standardize the dataset,and harmonize and connect XXX XXX dataset XXXX XXX previous datasets for an integrated and useable novel matrix
Exploit multidisciplinary data gridded sources to be integrated into spatial and temporal datasets
Perform biostatistical analyses and modeling of XXX dataset in terms of effects of climate,soil,or anthropogenic influences
Publish findings in international and peer-reviewed journals
The ideal candidate should meet the following requir...




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03. 12. 2024
03. 12. 2024
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03. 12. 2024
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