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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republiky27.10.2023 Fyzikální ústav AV ČR,v.v.i.vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici Project Financial Manager <.>
We seek a financial manager to manage the finances of project FORTE,recently awarded under the call „Špičkový výzkum“ of OP JAK <.>
Project FORTE brings together a team of 140 scientists and engineers from five partner institutions to address open problems in physics and astronomy.XXX XXXXXXX project goal is to significantly expand our current knowledge of XXX fundamental constituents of matter in XXX Universe.  FORTE won XXX million CZK XXXX XXX Ministry of Education and Science and will be carried out in XXX period XXXX-XX <.>
What you XXXX do
Control and actively manage the project budget and spending to enable the implementation of XXX financial plan of FORTE  
Be responsible for compliance XXXX XXX conditions of eligibility of project expenditure of XXX OP JAK
Prepare the financial part of project implementation reports and the payment requests.Effectively communicate XXXX XXX XXXXX provider (MEYS) and XXXX XXX project partners.Assist in case of checks and audits
Collaborate XXXX XXX XXXX Project Manager on the administration of project changes relating to project financial matters (project financial plan,budget,etc.)
Cooperate XXXX XXX XXXX and Scientific Project Managers,with project and financial managers of XXX partner institutions,communication with individual project research teams to enable timely financial reporting and effective management of project expenditure
Cooperate with FZU’s Finance,Human resources and Legal departments
What we expect
Proven experience in financial management and administration of large projects (preferably experience with projects financed by ESIF)
University education,preferably in economics or related subject
Fluent knowledge of XXXXX,as native,or at least at CX level (spoken and written)
Professional knowledge of English,at least at B2 level (spoken and written)
Knowledge ...




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01. 07. 2024
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