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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republiky01.09.2023 Fyzikální ústav AV ČR,v.v.i.vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č.283/1992 Sb.o Akademii věd České republiky,ve znění zákona č.420/2005 Sb.a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Physics for Future - MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships <.>
We expect to recruit 30 fellows in this first call <.>
Join us in advancing the frontiers of Physics! 
We offer:  Experienced supervisors in XXX following domains: astronomy,astrophysics and cosmology; atomic,molecular and chemical physics,biophysics,condensed matter physics,fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics),high energy physics,nano materials,nuclear physics,optics,pure mathematics,applied mathematics,statistical physics <.>
Unique interdisciplinary environment
Wide international academic network
Requirements: Research field: Physics Researcher profile: Recognised Researcher (R2) Education level:  PhD (or equivalent) Languages: English
The applicants must hold a PhD degree by the call deadline and have no more than 8 years of full-time equivalent (FTE) experience in research since their PhD award.The applicants are invited to apply through the P4F open call.The evaluation and selection process for admitted applications will involve a two-phase assessment,encompassing a written evaluation followed by an interview <.>
What is included in a fellowship?  Successful applicants will receive a 2-year employment contract.The monthly gross salary of XXX fellow will be approx.EUR XXXX if the fellow is not entitled to XXX Family allowance and EUR XXXX if the fellow demonstrates he or she is entitled to XXX Family allowance.  XXX XXXXX salary is composed of XXX Living allowance,the Mobility allowance and the Family allowance where applicable and is subject to tax and health and social deductions.In addition,the P4F Fellowship provides generous contributions towards the cost of research expenses.XXX XXXXXXX will be offered career development support and training events in so...




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