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Obec Krátká Ves - Český červený kříž – pátrací služba

Tento dokument byl načten z úřední desky, kterou vede Obec Krátká Ves.

Z důvodu ochrany osobních údajů nemůžeme dokumenty zobrazovat neregistrovaným uživatelům.

bez názvu
Who are we?
A specialized service of XXX XXXXX Red Cross (CRC)
focussing on helping separated families,tracing
separated family members who went missing as a result of
armed confl icts,internal disturbances,natural disasters
or migration anywhere in XXX world <.>
<br> The CRC Tracing Service is part of XXX worldwide
Family Links Network made up of more than 190 Tracing
Services of RC/RC National Societies and the Central
Tracing Agency of XXX International Committee of XXX
Red Cross (ICRC) <.>
<br> What is our aim?
→ to prevent family separation and loss of family
<br> contact <,>
<br> → to restore and maintain contact between family
members if all other means of communication are
interrupted <,>
<br> → to help separated families fi nd their beloved ones <,>
<br> → to help families clarify the fate of missing family
members <.>
<br> Terms of using the CRC Tracing Service
XXX XXX request our support if you lose contact with your
family member due to:
<br> → armed confl icts (including World War I and World
War II) and other situations of violence
<br> → natural and man-made disasters
<br> → migration
<br> → other situations of humanitarian need
<br> In line XXXX XXX Fundamental Principles of XXX Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement,XXX XXXXX Red Cross
Tracing Service offers its services to XXXXX citizens and
foreigners <.>
<br> We accept requests only from family members of XXX XXXXXX
in question <.>
<br> In case of disrupted/broken communication channels
(telephone lines,postal services),we offer written
Red Cross Messages <.>
<br> EN
Kdo jsme
Specializovaná služba Českého červeného kříže (ČČK) <,>
která se zabývá poskytováním pomoci rozděleným rodinám <,>
pátráním po osobách nebo osudech lidí nezvěstných
v důsledku ozbrojených konfl iktů,vnitřních nepokojů <,>
přírodních katastrof a migrace kdekoliv ve světě <.>
<br> Pátrací služba ČČK je součástí mez...




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