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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republiky29.03.2021 Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR,v.v.i.vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č.283/1992 Sb.o Akademii věd České republiky,ve znění zákona č.420/2005 Sb.a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Ph.D.student for the research project “Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Resistance: The Role of Mitochondria Požadavky:
Laboratory of Tumour Resistance of XXX Institute of Biotechnology of XXX XXXXX Academy of Sciences announces a selection procedure in accordance XXXX XXX Act No.XXX/XXXX Coll.on XXX XXXXX Academy of Sciences,and the Statutes of XXX XXXXX Academy of Sciences for a position:
Ph.D.student for the research project “Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Resistance: The Role of Mitochondria"
The project will address the role of mitochondrial function and metabolism and its impact on cancer resistance.It is clear that these organelles XXX XXXXX in XXX process of carcinogenesis,but is becoming evident that they could also participate in XXX resistance to treatment.XXX XXXX XXX of this project is to delineate the role of metabolic alterations coupled with mitochondria and their participation in XXX development or maintenance of cancer resistance.The role of experimental targets,which affect mitochondrial function and metabolism,will be tested by gain of function (overexpression) and loss of function (knockout,CRISPR/Cas system) studies.Genetically modified cell lines will be tested by live cell imaging using Etaluma720,enabling simultateous determination of viable and dead cells in real time.We will then assess the impact of such modifications on resistance of these cell lines to cell death induction.We also plan to investigate the role of post-translational regulatory sites of XXX prospective targets governing the mitochondrial metabolism,this will be assesed by site-directed mutagenesis,that would either result in loss of function or lead to a constitutively active or inactive mutants.A possible specific objective derived XXXX...




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