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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyPhD student position of a project “Small binding proteins targeting immune checkpoint proteins as novel diagnostic and cancer prognostic tools“ <.>
Job description The successful candidate will be member of XXX Laboratory of Ligand Engineering at the Institute of Biotechnology (IBT) and involved in Research project “Small binding proteins targeting PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint proteins as new diagnostic tools” (2021-2024) supported by Ministry of Health <.>
The selected candidate will work with highly complex combinatorial libraries derived from protein domain scaffolds and will use methods of directed evolution of proteins and selection techniques for the identification of promising small protein binders targeting PD-L1 oncomarker and PD-1 T-cell receptor for improved diagnostic of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).He/she will be responsible for protein production,characterization of selected variants by biochemical and biophysical methods,ELISA-related approaches and by LigandTracer-assisted cell-surface binding assay.Tissue penetration of XXX developed protein diagnostics will be verified in relevant mouse models.The candidate will also be involved in testing of best protein binders in clinical samples of NSCLC patients in collaboration with Faculty Hospital in Olomouc <.>
Requirements • MSc in Biochemistry,Molecular/Cell Biology or Immunology • Experience with protein expression and purification is advantageous • Proved history of research activities • Ability to actively participate in a research program • Excellent communication skills and teamwork • English,written and spoken,advanced level • PhD program will start in October 2021
What we offer • Full-time job • The contract is for three years with a prolongation until December 2024 <.>
Start date: The position is open since July 1st,2021 <.>
Workplace location: Centre of Excellence BIOCEV,Vestec,Prague West region,Czech Republic.See www.ibt.cas.cz.IBT is loca...




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Další dokumenty od Akademie věd České republiky
12. 03. 2025
12. 03. 2025
10. 03. 2025
10. 03. 2025
10. 03. 2025
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