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Obec Oleško - Sdělení FCC BEC o termínu svozu jednotlivých komodit odpadů

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Resource management & Citizen services | FCC Environment CEEService for the Future We are committed to improving the quality of life for the current as well as future generations through efficient waste management services.This is our “Service for the Future”.Recognize our Responsibility Always close to you We are one of XXX XXX largest recycling and citizen service companies.With over X,000 employees and around 160 business locations in 7 countries,our group serves more than 4.2 million people and more than 54,000 companies.Always close to you.Quality is our priority.We share with you our Service for the Future.Learn more About us We know how Our company is driven by our employees,who create value on a daily basis.We all contribute to a cleaner environment and to a better future.“Service for the Future” is our daily mission.Save Resources with us High Ethical Standards Our vision defines the future.To achieve this vision we maintain the highest standards of operational excellence and apply the strictest ethical principles as set out in XXX FCC Group’s Code of Ethics and Conduct in all of our regions and activities.Share/Support our Commitment Ressource Efficiency We see waste as a valuable source of raw materials and energy.XXX XXXX of our business is to maximise the utilisation of waste XXXX XXX help of know-how and high-tech.This is how we create a sustainable future.Service for the Future.Explore our Waste to Resource approach Our pillars FCC Environment CEE – proven resource management and citizen services in Central and Southeastern Europe FCC Environment CEE is a leading sustainable waste management company in Central and South East Europe.Following our mission „Service for the Future“ we XXX to minimize waste and transform it to a valuable resource.By reducing environmental burden,we help secure a good quality of life for present and future generations.  01/03/2021 15/02/2021 01/12/2020 05/10/2020 08/09/2020 22/05/2020 Why with us International team of ex...
Resource management & Citizen services | FCC Environment CEEService for the Future We are committed to improving the quality of life for the current as well as future generations through efficient waste management services.This is our “Service for the Future”.Recognize our Responsibility Always close to you We are one of XXX XXX largest recycling and citizen service companies.With over X,000 employees and around 160 business locations in 7 countries,our group serves more than 4.2 million people and more than 54,000 companies.Always close to you.Quality is our priority.We share with you our Service for the Future.Learn more About us We know how Our company is driven by our employees,who create value on a daily basis.We all contribute to a cleaner environment and to a better future.“Service for the Future” is our daily mission.Save Resources with us High Ethical Standards Our vision defines the future.To achieve this vision we maintain the highest standards of operational excellence and apply the strictest ethical principles as set out in XXX FCC Group’s Code of Ethics and Conduct in all of our regions and activities.Share/Support our Commitment Ressource Efficiency We see waste as a valuable source of raw materials and energy.XXX XXXX of our business is to maximise the utilisation of waste XXXX XXX help of know-how and high-tech.This is how we create a sustainable future.Service for the Future.Explore our Waste to Resource approach Our pillars FCC Environment CEE – proven resource management and citizen services in Central and Southeastern Europe FCC Environment CEE is a leading sustainable waste management company in Central and South East Europe.Following our mission „Service for the Future“ we XXX to minimize waste and transform it to a valuable resource.By reducing environmental burden,we help secure a good quality of life for present and future generations.  01/03/2021 15/02/2021 01/12/2020 05/10/2020 08/09/2020 22/05/2020 Why with us International team of ex...




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