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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyThis PhD research project will focus on studies of transport phenomena and collisional interaction of ions with molecules in gaseous matrices.XXX XXXX will combine theoretical approach using numerical modelling based on collisional dynamics with hands-on experimental studies using the state-of-the art Selected Ion Flow Drift Tube apparatus <.>
The candidate for this position should have knowledge of numerical modelling,understand concepts of gas-phase kinetic theory,and have basic knowledge of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.Interest in electronics (Arduino,Raspberry Pi.<.>.) and software (C#,python.<.>.) is welcome.The research will be XXXX in a relatively small but vital and friendly team.Active and initiative attitude to work will be rewarded by flexibility and enthusiasm of XXX supervisor and co-workers <.>
XXXXXX XXX research project,the doctorand will become familiar with vacuum physics and technology,learn something about electrical discharges in gases,and will get excellent training in presentation of scientific results by presenting at conferences and co-authoring articles in leading scientific journals.She or he will also have an opportunity to collaborate within the international community on interdisciplinary research motivated by current needs in analyses of volatiles in XXX following areas:
(i) food production,postharvest handling,storage,freshness monitoring and safety control.(ii) air quality monitoring for health-and-safety of workers potentially exposed to fumigants and other harmful compounds and for quality assurance in for example semiconductor manufacturing ultimately leading to wide availability of digital technologies.(iii) environmental research related to BVOC will ultimately lead to decreased population exposure to harmful atmospheric immissions.(iv) research in new methods of non-invasive screening and monitoring based on breath sampling will result in widely adopted methods for pr...




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17. 02. 2025
17. 02. 2025
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