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Obec Rybná nad Zdobnicí - Koronavirus – anglická verze

Tento dokument byl načten z úřední desky, kterou vede Obec Rybná nad Zdobnicí.

Z důvodu ochrany osobních údajů nemůžeme dokumenty zobrazovat neregistrovaným uživatelům.

Follow www.khshk.cz for current list of risk areas <.>
<br> Recommendation for travellers who XXX in or have recently
visited areas where COVID-XX is spreading
What to do if you have arrived,XXXX XXX areas where COVID-XX is
spreading,in XXX XXXX XX days,that means:
China,XXXX XXXX,Iran,Italy (regions Emilia-Romagna <,>
Lombardy,Piedmont,Veneto),Japan,Singapore,South Korea
and you have NO symptoms of XXX disease
XXXXXX XXX incubation period,that means XX days after departure XXXX XXX risk area <,>
<br> minimize contact with other people and stay at home.Regularly and thoroughly clean your
hands XXXX an alcohol-based hand XXX or wash XXXX XXXX soap and water or use hand
sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol <.>
Contact the department for epidemic prevention of XXX regional health institution,which will
<br> decide on appropriate anti-epidemic measures including possible quarantine,by telephone
or e-mail <.>
In case of fever,dry cough,shortness of breath,contact clinic of infectious medicine.In case
you have been asked to visit the clinic of infectious medicine,do not use public transport.If
<br> possible,put on a mask and XXXXX XXX XXXXXXX room only after consultation XXXX XXX XXXXX of
the infection clinic <.>
<br> and XXX DO have fever,cough or shortness of breath
If XXX XXX at home,do not go anywhere - avoid contact with other people.Regularly and
thoroughly clean your hands XXXX an alcohol-based hand XXX or wash XXXX XXXX soap and
<br> water or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol <.>
When coughing and sneezing,cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or XXX or sleeve,not
with your hands !!!
Contact clinic of infectious medicine
<br> In case you have been asked to visit the clinic of infectious medicine,do not use public
transport.If possible,put on a mask and XXXXX XXX XXXXXXX room only after consultation with
XXX XXXXX of XXX infection clinic <.>
Processed on XX.2.2020 and will be adjuste...




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Z důvodu ochrany osobních údajů nemůžeme dokumenty zobrazovat neregistrovaným uživatelům.

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