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Město Sedlec-Prčice - 111/2016 Vyžádejte si ZDARMA

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PF 2016
Děkujeme našim partnerům za spolupráci v roce 2015 a přejeme všem hodně úspěchů v roce 2016 <.>
We are present where the others cannot reach: CETIN operates XXX XXXX extensive mobile,fixed and optical network in XXX XXXXX Republic <.>
One of XXX leading providers of wholesale telecommunications services in Central Europe and a major transit provider in Europe <.>
CETIN works together with developers in order to be able to guarantee safety and functionality of telecommunications services to its clients <.>
CETIN owns telecommunications networks located all XXXX XXX XXXXX Republic.Investing in XXX future,CETIN continues to enhance its networks every day <.>


PF 2016
Děkujeme našim partnerům za spolupráci v roce 2015 a přejeme všem hodně úspěchů v roce 2016 <.>
We are present where the others cannot reach: CETIN operates XXX XXXX extensive mobile,fixed and optical network in XXX XXXXX Republic <.>
One of XXX leading providers of wholesale telecommunications services in Central Europe and a major transit provider in Europe <.>
CETIN works together with developers in order to be able to guarantee safety and functionality of telecommunications services to its clients <.>
CETIN owns telecommunications networks located all XXXX XXX XXXXX Republic.Investing in XXX future,CETIN continues to enhance its networks every day <.>




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