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Buy Biaxin 'Clarithromycin' Online Without Prescriptions.No Prescription Needed.Only $2.51.Order Biaxin 'Clarithromycin' Online Without Prescriptions.Cheap Biaxin 'Clarithromycin' Online No Prescription.INDICATIONS
Biaxin is used for treating infections caused by certain bacteria.Biaxin is a macrolide antibiotic.It works by stopping the growth of or killing sensitive bacteria by reducing the production of important proteins needed by the bacteria to survive <.>
Take Biaxin by mouth XXXX or without food <.>
Biaxin works best if it is taken at the same time each day <.>
Continue to take Biaxin even if you feel well.
Do not XXXX XXX XXXX.If you miss a dose of Biaxin,take it as soon as possible.If it is almost time for your next dose,skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule.Do not take 2 doses at once <.>
Ask your health care provider any questions XXX XXX have about how to use Biaxin <.>
Store Biaxin at room temperature,between 68 and 77 degrees F (20 and 25 degrees C),in a tightly closed container.Store away from heat,moisture,and light.Do not store in XXX bathroom.Keep Biaxin out of XXX XXXXX of children and away from pets <.>
Do NOT use Biaxin if:
XXX XXX allergic to XXX ingredient in Biaxin or to XXX other macrolide (eg,erythromycin)
XXX XXX taking cisapride,cyclosporine,dofetilide,eletriptan,an ergot alkaloid (eg,dihydroergotamine,ergotamine),an H1 antagonist (eg,astemizole,terfenadine),pimozide,a QT-prolonging agent (eg,quinidine,sotalol,thioridazine),a quinolone (eg,ciprofloxacin),or sumatriptan <.>
Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if XXX of these apply to you <.>
Some medical conditions may interact with Biaxin.Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions,especially if XXX of XXX following apply to you:
if XXX XXX pregnant,planning to become pregnant,or XXX breast-feeding
if XXX XXX taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine,herbal preparation,or dietary supplement
if you have allergies to medicines,foods,or other substances
if you have diarrhea,a stomach infection,a blood disorder,severe kidney problems,or liver problems <.>
Some medicines may interact with Biaxin.Tell your health care provider if XXX XXX taking any other medicines,especially XXX of XXX following:
Aldosterone blockers (eg,spironolactone),anticoagulants (eg,warfarin),benzodiazepines (eg,alprazolam),buspirone,carbamazepine,cilostazol,cisapride,colchicine,corticosteroids (eg,hydrocortisone),cyclosporine,digoxin,disopyramide,eletriptan,ergot alkaloids (eg,ergotamine,dihydroergotamine),H1 antagonists (eg,astemizole,terfenadine),HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (eg,simvastatin),imatinib,macrolide immunosuppressants (eg,tacrolimus),macrolides and ketolides (eg,azithromycin,erythromycin),phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (eg,sildenafil),rifampin,sumatriptan,theophyllines,or verapamil because their actions and the risk of their side effects XXX be increased by Biaxin
Dofetilide,macrolides and ketolides (eg,azithromycin,erythromycin),pimozide,QT-prolonging agents (eg,quinidine,sotalol,thioridazine),quinolones (eg,ciprofloxacin),or streptogramins (eg,mikamycin) because serious,possibly life-threatening side effects on XXX XXXXX or irregular heartbeat may occur
Rifampin because it may decrease Biaxin's effectiveness <.>
This may not be a complete list of all interactions that may occur.Ask your health care provider if Biaxin may interact with other medicines that you take.Check with your health care provider before you start,stop,or change XXX XXXX of XXX medicine <.>
Important safety information:
Biaxin only works against bacteria; it does not treat viral infections (eg,the common cold) <.>
Long-term or repeated use of Biaxin may cause a second infection.Tell your doctor if signs of a second infection occur.Your medicine may need to be changed to treat this <.>
Be sure to use Biaxin for the full course of treatment.If XXX do not,the medicine may not clear up your infection completely.The bacteria could also become less sensitive to this or other medicines.This could make the infection harder to treat in XXX future <.>
Mild diarrhea is common with antibiotic use.However,a more serious form of diarrhea (pseudomembranous colitis) may rarely occur.This may develop while you use the antibiotic or within several months after you stop using it.Contact your doctor right away if stomach XXXX or cramps,severe diarrhea,or bloody stools occur.Do not treat diarrhea without first checking with your doctor <.>
Lab tests,including complete blood cell counts,XXX be performed while you use Biaxin.These tests XXX be used to monitor your condition or check for side effects.Be sure to keep all doctor and lab appointments <.>
Biaxin should not be used in children younger 6 months; safety and effectiveness in these children have not been confirmed <.>
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Biaxin has been shown to cause harm to XXX fetus.Biaxin is not recommended for ...
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