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The use of Hoodia in cultural and traditional settings may differ from concepts accepted by current Western medicine.When considering the use of herbal supplements,consultation with a primary health care professional is advisable.Additionally,consultation with a practitioner trained in XXX uses of herbal/ health supplements XXX be beneficial,and coordination of treatment among all health care providers involved XXX be advantageous <.>
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Patients should not take Hoodia without first talking to their doctor if they:
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Patients may not be able to take Hoodia,or XXX require special monitoring during treatment if they have XXX of XXX conditions or XXX taking XXX of XXX medicines listed above.Hoodia has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety,effectiveness,or purity.All potential risks and/ or advantages of Hoodia may not be known.Additionally,there are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for these compounds.There have been instances where herbal/ health supplements have been sold which were contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs.Herbal/ health supplements should be purchased from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination.Hoodia is available for purchase in retail stores and online; however,clinical trials have not proven Hoodia effectiveness or safety.Actual amounts of hoodia in advertised products cannot always be confirmed,and products XXX be counterfeit or contaminated.Because many of these products are promoted for weight loss,but have not been clinically evaluated,the manufacturers XXX in violation of XXX Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act <.>
Patients should talk to their doctor before taking Hoodia if they have any other medical conditions,allergies (especially to plants),or if they take other medicines or herbal/ health supplements.Patients should not take Hoodia without first talking to their doctor if they are pregnant or could become pregnant.Patients should not take Hoodia without first talking to their doctor if they are breast-feeding.There is no information available regarding the use of Hoodia by children.Do not give any herbal/ health supplement to a child without first talking to XXX child's doctor <.>
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Buy Hoodia 'Oxypregnane','Steroidal','Glycoside' Online Without Prescriptions.No Prescription Needed.Only $1.Order Hoodia 'Oxypregnane','Steroidal','Glycoside' Online Without Prescriptions.Cheap Hoodia 'Oxypregnane','Steroidal','Glycoside' Online No Prescription.Hoodia Active Ingredient: Oxypregnane Steroidal Glycoside Hoodia has received publicity in recent times for its natural appetite suppressant properties.Other names for this medication Bushman’s hat,Xhoba Show all
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Hoodia is a natural appetite suppressant that helps you reduce your interest in food and makes you feel full faster and longer <.>
The use of Hoodia in cultural and traditional settings may differ from concepts accepted by current Western medicine.When considering the use of herbal supplements,consultation with a primary health care professional is advisable.Additionally,consultation with a practitioner trained in XXX uses of herbal/ health supplements XXX be beneficial,and coordination of treatment among all health care providers involved XXX be advantageous <.>
If you miss a dose of this medicine and XXX XXX using it regularly,take it as soon as possible.If XXX do not remember until later,skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule.Take Hoodia only as directed by a doctor,pharmacist,or other health care provider <.>
Take 3 capsules,3 times each day,for XXX XXXXX XX days.Take about XX minutes prior to meals <.>
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Patients should not take Hoodia without first talking to their doctor if they:
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Patients may not be able to take Hoodia,or XXX require special monitoring during treatment if they have XXX of XXX conditions or XXX taking XXX of XXX medicines listed above.Hoodia has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety,effectiveness,or purity.All potential risks and/ or advantages of Hoodia may not be known.Additionally,there are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for these compounds.There have been instances where herbal/ health supplements have been sold which were contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs.Herbal/ health supplements should be purchased from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination.Hoodia is available for purchase in retail stores and online; however,clinical trials have not proven Hoodia effectiveness or safety.Actual amounts of hoodia in advertised products cannot always be confirmed,and products XXX be counterfeit or contaminated.Because many of these products are promoted for weight loss,but have not been clinically evaluated,the manufacturers XXX in violation of XXX Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act <.>
Patients should talk to their doctor before taking Hoodia if they have any other medical conditions,allergies (especially to plants),or if they take other medicines or herbal/ health supplements.Patients should not take Hoodia without first talking to their doctor if they are pregnant or could become pregnant.Patients should not take Hoodia without first talking to their doctor if they are breast-feeding.There is no information available regarding the use of Hoodia by children.Do not give any herbal/ health supplement to a child without first talking to XXX child's doctor <.>
There are no known restrictions on food,beverages,or activity while taking Hoodia,unless otherwise directed by a health care provider <.>
Patients should talk to their doctor about any side effects they may develop <.>
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