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Digoxin,hormonal contraceptives (eg,birth control pills),macrolide immunosuppressants (eg,tacrolimus),or spironolactone because the risk of their side effects XXX be increased by Atorlip-X <.>
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Atorlip-X may cause dizziness.This effect XXX be worse if you take it with alcohol or certain medicines.Use Atorlip-5 with caution.Do not drive or perform other possible unsafe tasks until you know how you react to it <.>
Drinking alcohol daily or in large amounts may increase the risk of liver problems with Atorlip-5.Check with your doctor before drinking alcohol while XXX XXX taking Atorlip-X <.>
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This may not be a complete list of all interactions that may occur.Ask your health care provider if Amantadine may interact with other medicines that you take.Check with your health care provider before you start,stop,or change XXX XXXX of XXX medicine <.>
Important safety information:
Amantadine may cause drowsiness,dizziness,or blurred vision.These effects XXX be worse if you take it with alcohol or certain medicines.Use Amantadine with caution.Do not drive or perform other possible unsafe tasks until you know how you react to it <.>
Amantadine may cause dizziness,lightheadedness,or fainting; alcohol,hot weather,exercise,or fever may increase these effects.To prevent them,sit up or XXXXX slowly,especially in XXX XXXXXXX.XXX or XXX down at XXX XXXXX sign of XXX of these effects <.>
Limit alcohol intake while XXX XXX taking Amantadine.Talk with you doctor before you drink alcohol or use medicines that may cause drowsiness (eg,sleep aids,muscle relaxers) while XXX XXX using Amantadine; it may add to their effects.Ask your pharmacist if you have questions about which medicines may cause drowsiness <.>
Do not become overheated in hot weather or XXXXX XXX XXX being active; heatstroke may occur <.>
Amantadine only works against certain types of XXX flu; it does not treat other viral infections (eg,the common cold) <.>
If XXX XXX taking Amantadine for the flu,be sure to use Amantadine for the full course of treatment.If XXX do not,the medicine may not clear up your infection completely.XXX XXXXX could also become less sensitive to this or other medicines.This could make the infection harder to treat in XXX future <.>
You usually should not receive a live nasal flu vaccine within 14 days before or 2 days after you take Amantadine.The vaccine may not work as well.Talk with your doctor before you receive any vaccine <.>
If XXX XXX taking Amantadine for Parkinson disease,increase physical activity slowly as your symptoms improve <.>
Do not suddenly stop taking Amantadine without first checking with your doctor.Your XXXX XXX need to be lowered slowly to avoid side effects <.>
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Take Amantadine by mouth XXXX or without food <.>
If XXX XXX using Amantadine for the flu,take it for the full course of treatment.Keep using Amantadine even if you feel better in a few days.This will help clear up your infection completely <.>
If you miss a dose of Amantadine,take it as soon as possible.If it is almost time for your next dose,skip the missed dose.Go back to your regular dosing schedule.Do not take 2 doses at once <.>
Ask your health care provider any questions XXX XXX have about how to use Amantadine <.>
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Do NOT use Amantadine if:
XXX XXX allergic to XXX ingredient in Amantadine
you have uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma <.>
Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if XXX of these apply to you <.>
Some medical conditions may interact with Amantadine.Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions,especially if XXX of XXX following apply to you:
if XXX XXX pregnant,planning to become pregnant,or XXX breast-feeding
if XXX XXX taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine,herbal preparation,or dietary supplement
if you have allergies to medicines,foods,or other substances
if you have a history of heart problems (eg,congestive heart failure),swelling of your XXXXX or feet,mental or mood problems,suicidal thoughts or actions,seizures,glaucoma,low blood pressure,dizziness when you XXXXX or XXX up,an eczema-like rash,or kidney or liver problems
if you have received an intranasal flu vaccine within XXX XXXX XX days <.>
Some medicines may interact with Amantadine.Tell your health care provider if XXX XXX taking any other medicines,especially XXX of XXX following:
Thioridazine because tremors XXX be worsened in Parkinson patients
Anticholinergics (eg,scopolamine),hydrochlorothiazide,quinidine,quinine,stimulants (eg,caffeine,methylphenidate,pseudoephedrine),or triamterene because they may increase the risk of Amantadine's side effects <.>
This may not be a complete list of all interactions that may occur.Ask your health care provider if Amantadine may interact with other medicines that you take.Check with your health care provider before you start,stop,or change XXX XXXX of XXX medicine <.>
Important safety information:
Amantadine may cause drowsiness,dizziness,or blurred vision.These effects XXX be worse if you take it with alcohol or certain medicines.Use Amantadine with caution.Do not drive or perform other possible unsafe tasks until you know how you react to it <.>
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Limit alcohol intake while XXX XXX taking Amantadine.Talk with you doctor before you drink alcohol or use medicines that may cause drowsiness (eg,sleep aids,muscle relaxers) while XXX XXX using Amantadine; it may add to their effects.Ask your pharmacist if you have questions about which medicines may cause drowsiness <.>
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You usually should not receive a live nasal flu vaccine within 14 days before or 2 days after you take Amantadine.The vaccine may not work as well.Talk with your doctor before you receive any vaccine <.>
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Buy Phexin 'Cephalexin' Online Without Prescriptions.No Prescription Needed.Only $3.28.Order Phexin 'Cephalexin' Online Without Prescriptions.Cheap Phexin 'Cephalexin' Online No Prescription.Phexin Active Ingredient: Cephalexin Phexin (Cephalexin) is used for the treatment of bacterial infections of XXX respiratory tract such as middle ear,bones,pneumonia,reproductive,skin and urinary systems.Other names for this medication Axcel cephalexin,Cefalexilum monohydricum,Cefalexin monohydrate,Cefalexina sodica,Cephalex r,Pharex cefalexin Show all   INSTRUCTIONS  DOSAGE  Adults 1-4 g daily in divided doses; most infections will respond to a dosage of 500 mg every 8 hours.For skin and soft tissue infections,streptococcal pharyngitis and mild,uncomplicated urinary tract infections,the usual dosage is 250 mg every 6 hours,or 500 mg every 12 hours.More severe infections,or those caused by less susceptible organisms may need larger doses.If daily doses greater than 4g are required other parenteral cephalosporins,in appropriate doses,should be considered.Elderly As for adults although dosage should be reduced to a daily maximum of 500mg if renal function is severely impaired (glomerular filtration rate < 10ml/min).Children The recommended daily dosage for children is 2550 mg/kg in divided doses.In XXX XXXX of skin,soft tissue infections,streptococcal pharyngitis and mild,uncomplicated urinary tract infections,the total daily XXXX XXX be divided and administered every XX hours.For most infections the following schedule is suggested: Children under 5 years: Not recommended Children 5 years and over: 250 mg every 8 hours.In severe infections,the dosage XXX be doubled.Clinical studies have shown that for otitis media a dosage of 75-100 mg/kg/day is required,in divided doses.In XXX treatment of beta-haemolytic streptococcal infections,a therapeutic dose should be administered for at least 10 days.Route of administration:  Oral STORAGE      If an allergic reaction to this drug occurs it should be discontinued and the patient treated XXXX XXX appropriate agents.Prolonged use of Phexin may result in XXX overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms.Careful observation of XXX patient during therapy is essential and appropriate action should be taken should superinfection occur.  Pseudomembranous colitis (ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening) has been reported in association with use of virtually all broad -spectrum antibiotics,including macrolides,semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins.Therefore,it is essential to take this into account during diagnosis of patients who develop diarrhoea during antibiotic therapy.Mild cases of pseudomembranous colitis usually respond to drug discontinuance alone whilst in more severe cases,appropriate measures should be taken.Phexin should be administered with caution in XXX presence of markedly impaired renal function.Careful clinical and laboratory studies should be made because safe dosage XXX be lower than that usually recommended.Although laboratory and clinical studies have shown no evidence of teratogenicity,caution should be exercised when prescribing for the pregnant patient.Caution should be exercised in administration to a nursing mother.Following a 500mg dose,levels of 4 micrograms/ml have been detected in breast milk.The side effects may include: upset stomach; diarrhea; vomiting.If you experience XXX of XXX following side effects,you should turn to your doctor immediately: a skin rash; sore throat; vaginal infection.More Information If you suspect an overdose,seek emergency medical treatment immediately.Symptoms of Phexin overdose may include: Blood in XXX urine,diarrhea,nausea,upper abdominal pain,vomiting.Change language English Deutsch Français Español Italiano Shopping cart




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