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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republikyThe Department of Applied Philosophy and Ethics (DAPE) and the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) at the Institute of Philosophy of XXX XXXXX Academy of Sciences seek to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher (with no teaching duties) specializing in XXX cross-section of AI and communication / AI and democracy.The position is part of XXX project Human-centered AI for a Sustainable and Adaptive Society,awarded by XXX XXXXX Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (CZ.XX.01.01/00/23_025/0008691).The project deals with various ways genAI can improve democratic processes,human communication and education <.>
Qualified candidates must have research competence at the level of Postdoctoral Researcher / Assistant Professor and be willing to relocate to Prague.This is an exciting opportunity for collaboration in a vibrant and collegial international community of researchers in one of XXX world’s most charming cities <.>
The successful candidate is expected to work as a member of XXX DAPE/CETE-P research team,initiate and conduct high-quality research that results in excellent publications,participate in research stays lasting 1-3 months at leading European institutions and organize scientific events <.>
Qualification requirements
PhD degree in philosophy/ethics or a related discipline,obtained no more than 5 years before the application deadline
Continuous,high-quality research activity in philosophy and ethics of AI
Proven publication track record in XXX relevant research areas
Documented experience with and ability to build international networks
Fluent oral and written communication skills in English
Criteria to be explicitly addressed in XXX evaluation process
Academic production pertaining to philosophy and ethics of AI – originality and innovative thinking will be weighted more heavily than quantity
Potential to contribute to XXX long-term development of XXX academic and research environment at DAPE...




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