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Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republiky15.10.2024 Filosofický ústav AV ČR,v. v. i.vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici PROJEKTOVÁ ASISTENTKA / PROJEKTOVÝ ASISTENT <.>
The Institute of Philosophy of XXX XXXXX Republic,v.v.i.(the IP) is a public research institution engaged in research in XXX XXXXX of philosophy and related scientific disciplines.The IP,which is the largest workplace in XXX humanities and social sciences within the Academy of Sciences of XXX XXXXX Republic,is made up of more than XXX employees XXXX XXX common goal of developing international knowledge and strengthening national identity awareness through a critical examination of XXX history of XXXXX countries and the Central European Area <.>
Do XXX have excellent organizational and communication skills? Do XXX have the desire to support the activities of scientific teams? If so,we welcome your application for the position:
                                          Project Assistant  (part-time time)
As the Project Assistant you will perform the following tasks:
support the principal investigator (PI) and the research team XXXX XXX implementation of XXX project.Tasks include: project documentation and record-keeping,correspondence with external partners (Czech and English),and logistical tasks to ensure a well-running project (e.g <.>,requesting proposals and cost estimates,purchasing supplies and communication with suppliers,inventory management)
interface between the Project and project partners: the Institute of Philosophy (IP),co-operators,GA ČR and other entities;
assist the PI and team members with purchase orders and with activities connected to hosting international meetings and business travel;
assist the PI in monitoring the progress of XXX project;
assist the PI in reporting periodically on the status of XXX project to GA ČR;
assist the PI with monitoring the project budget;
provide support to XXX PI,Exhibition Coordinator,and research team in XXX organisation and coordination of ...




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