Akademie věd České republiky - Požadavky

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Výběrová řízení - Akademie věd České republiky03.04.2024 Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR,v. v. i.vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č.283/1992 Sb.o Akademii věd České republiky,ve znění zákona č.420/2005 Sb.a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici POSTDOC/SCIENTIST FOR XXX XXXXX OF GREENHOUSE GAS FLUXES ANALYSE <.>
We are looking for a team member to join long-term research at the Department of Matters and Energy Fluxes,Global Change Research Institute,Czech Academy of Sciences (CzechGlobe),Brno,Czech Republic <.>
Application deadline: 26th April 2024.The position is free from spring 2024 <.>
Job description
- analysis and interpretation of data XXXX XXXX Covariance (EC) towers,e.g.with regard to environmental extremes; further focus XXX be developed based on the applicant’s background
- unique research opportunities could be focused on the clear-cut evergreen forest and following regrowth,comparison of fluxes above and below forest canopies and the impact of extreme events
- EC data come XXXX XXX network of XXXXX Ecosystem Stations (history of measurements: up to XX years),covering all representative ecosystem types in XXX country
- evaluation of XXX data by answering site-specific questions or via inter-site comparisons
- it is possible to use also available chamber measurements,sap flow,sub-canopy eddy covariance,biomass inventory and remote sensing data
- result publications in impacted scientific journals and at scientific conferences
We require - PhD degree in biological,environmental or atmospheric sciences - good knowledge of atmospheric processes,ecology/ecophysiology and the exchange processes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum - fluent in R software (preferred) or MATLAB and good knowledge of advanced statistical methods - capability to work independently - collaboration XXXX an interdisciplinary team - excellent written/spoken English
Beneficial skills - experience with ecosystem process-based models - GIS software knowledge - other programming...




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Další dokumenty od Akademie věd České republiky
29. 05. 2024
29. 05. 2024
28. 05. 2024
27. 05. 2024
24. 05. 2024
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